

Mural on the wall of the Benalla Bowls Club

Mural on the wall of Benalla Bowls Club

This year 18 Doncaster players ( and  several wives who go for the social side)  went to Benalla to play in the annual Edinburgh Sheild.

Three games were played on the Saturday with another two on the Sunday morning.

Sunday afternoon was the time for calculating the prize winners, and Doncaster came third on a count back. The team which called themselves  “RSL on Bell”, was a team from Rosanna Bowls Club….which came second on count back..

There were also two teams from Benalla Bowls Club, a team from Numurkah, and one from Werribee.

There was no BBQ meat forgotten this year, instead it was someones uniform!
That someone tried to blame his wife for not packing properly, and had to stand at the back for photos.

The Doncaster RSL gave each of the players a blue cap which was worn with pride.

Everyone returned to Melbourne safe and sound after a happy weekend away.

Thanks to Pauline Donovan for the photos and information and Ian Golding for the score sheet.…..Lyn Goodman.