Suddenly The Manningham Council has asked that we not use the clubrooms until further notice. The electricity has been turned off and we are not able to enter the building unless permission is given by the council.
The men have done what they needed to do in the bar, and Matt has cleared the lines. The kitchen has been thoroughly cleaned , the deep fryer has been emptied, the refrigerators and freezers emptied and turned off, all the coffee, tea etc stored away, mugs , cutlery covered.
The food and supplies in the pantry, freezers and fridges have been thrown out, or bought by a few members, but the majority of goods have been donated to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre……thanks Tricia O’Connor.
Not too much was wasted A special thumbs up to Pauline and Brian Donovan for doing a week’s work in a morning…..terrific effort.???at such short notice.
At this time of writing the front green is still open.
No parking issues!
There is still a calming view from outside tables.
There s a very good article in The Age today titled ‘Cabin Fever.’ Here is the link. .
I do hope everyone is well , coping and being nice to those you see. We will pull though.