

Despite the miserable cold weather, and the idea of sitting in front of TV watching the exciting Olympic Games, amazingly there were still many people shopping at Bunnings.

It was a sluggish start, but by 11am people either on their way in or out of the building, stopped to buy a hot sausage with onion, folded in a slice of white bread, cooked by the Doncaster Bowling Club volunteers.

In the middle of the day there was a steady stream of customers with one couple even coming back for seconds.

Trevor and Henry had began their day at 7.30am, collecting all the necessary equipment from the club, then setting up ready for the first volunteer crew who arrived by 8.30am.

The first crew of the day.
The first crew of the day.

Another crew arrived for the rush hours in the middle of the day.

Members of the second crew.

At 2pm the third group of volunteers came to swap over and stay till the finish. During the afternoon two members of the club popped in to say hello and buy a sausage for their lunch.

Even some Club members turned up for a sausage.
Trevor and Henry were there all day supervising the helpers, they packed up at 4 pm and returned to the Club to tidy up. It was then home for a well earned rest.

Again thanks to Mauro Butchers in Tunstall Square for supplying 200 sausages at cost price. I tell you they are yummy! Thanks to the Goralskis for slicing many kilos of onions. Thanks to Bunnings , this is our eighth? sausage sizzle day. Thanks to all our volunteers this time who were; Trevor Dawson, Henry Goralski, John Thorburn, John Nelson, Chris Mossik, Raymond Leung, Neil Mathys, Ian Sanderson, Judy Seymour, Fayette Goralski, Lyn Goodman, George and Anna Pouki and David Jensz.

At the close of trading 380 sausages had been sold.

It was a good happy fun day, you never know who you may meet. Trevor met the lady who 30 years ago owned the Jackson Court fish and chip shop.

The next Bunnings sausage sizzle will be in September on a date yet to be confirmed. So if you have not yet volunteered for a 2 or 3 hour stint please put your name down when Henry posts the list.
