Yesterday March 31st was a successful day with 22 rinks filled. There were teams from Melbourne metropolitan areas, people from the country and a team from Fiji. Luckily the changeable weather held . All teams played two games of 10 ends on the front green and two games on the back. By 4.30 pm players were inside to see if they had won a prize in the amazing raffle selection. Then there were the resting touchers won by Geoff Smith, Joe Alcuri, and Russell Symons. Next the most shots up for each game were teams skippered by Rowan Sharp, Steve Bates, Ting Ho and Bob Jones. Lastly the most important announcement, the overall winners with all four games won were……
Third place Paul Dodd’s team, the other members were Ethan Preston, Rod Nicholson and Troy Stafford all from Lilydale.
Second place Gary Niclasen’s team from Lalor. His team mates were Wayne Hutson, Darren Morris and Dave Stevenson.
First place Tom Ristic’s team which consisted of Gillian Baxter from Ivanhoe and from MCC Robert Millar and Angus McIsaac.

Congratulations to the Tom Ristic team – winners of the Doncaster Applewood Classic.

Second place winners Paul Dodd’s team from Lalor.

Third place winners , Gary Niclasens team from Lilydale.
This is a ‘full on’ day for Doncaster to hold, with months of planning to make it so successful. It has been driven by Richard Lovell’s enthusiasm. Thanks goes to all the volunteers who either planned, donated prizes, and others who worked at various jobs during the day. Yes it was a combined effort….Lyn