Brian Donovan is another hard working volunteer behind the scenes. So far this year he has helped recruit 14 new members. Beware anyone who looks in the door or stands on the slope watching games or practice sessions, he makes a bee line to see if they are interested.
He has also canvassed local businesses, schools and sporting clubs. This has resulted in five Christmas break-up parties,( see the previous article on Billy’s Lounge), and one birthday party. Each time these people have played barefoot bowls and used the club rooms for drinks and food. Brian is also on the phone to members to either help on the greens or inside in the kitchen or bar. If you are rung up to help please say yes!
Coming up in January and February he has booked another six organisations.
These evenings make money for the club and it is pleasing to see that Eastern Insurance Brokers have bought a rink.
During December over 80 people have played barefoot bowls, and in the new year at least another 80 will also.
How many hours Brian puts in I don’t know, but he does a fantastic job. Thanks Brian for doing and achieving so much……Lyn.