It has been a tradition for the opening of the greens to be a charity day. Our charity is the Royal Children’s Hospital.
As it is the 70th year since the club began Brian Donovan had organised a club photo. Well trying to get all the players assembled was a hoot. ……on the green? , on the bank? on both? , so with everyone talking and not really listening it was fun and games in itself. Then Brian asked for hats off but no one heard. Chris Scane walked up and down calling out ” Hats off, hats off .” Eventually we were all ready and the photo was taken.
The two club champions rolled the first bowls of the season and the game began.
As it was a social day players of different abilities all played as teams.
At the completion of 20 ends we all trouped inside for a chat and a drink, awaiting to hear how much was raised for the Hospital. Phil Rock announced it was $1201 which included all the wrong bias bowls from last season.
Thankyou Tricia O’Connor for taking most of the photos, especially Brian Donovan’s group ones and the one of the bar men Matt and Chris.