The Doncaster Bowls Club Christmas Dinner Dance is always well attended and this year 100 people came and most danced the night away.
Beef, pork and chicken were the choices for main course, you could have either or all…..who would not have all? Then the Australian Christmas staple for dessert, plum pudding, fruit salad or pavlova .
Everyone anticipated the arrival of Father Christmas. He did not let us down. In he came, noisily ringing his bell, accompanied by Elvis the Elf and Ponocko the other elf. This year was the tall and the short of elves.
Then a surprise……arriving from another entrance came Tinkerbell the Christmas Fairy all dressed in white and waving her magic star wand. Lollies and glitter were thrown, jokes were told and Father Christmas was led to his special throne.
Beth Reid who was trying to keep control of the fairy and elves especially thanked Pauline Donovan and Leonie Kirby and those who donated items for the 17 magnificent hampers. She then proceeded to walk around the room allowing different people to draw out the 17 winning tickets. Those very lucky winners are:
1st: Jill Segan, 2nd: Beth Reid, 3rd: John Young, 4th: John Manders, 5 th: Peter Caldwell, 6th: Brian Garrett, 7th: David Clifton, 8th: Gary Beckett, 9th: Ron McBain, 10 th: Bert Jackson, 11th: Andrew McKenzie, 12th: Kay Bishop, 13th: Matt Cursio, 14th Peter Gunston, 15th: Cliff Wigney, 16th: Kevin Mason, and 17th: Deb Code. Ten of the seventeen winners were there at the dance, how good was that!
Dancing resumed including a extremely long Conga line. The lights were dimmed and the disco ball spun , but people were getting tired, no Cinderellas here.
The Social Committee members have been extremely busy lately, with the 70th celebrations, the Blumes day and the Dinner Dance. Well done ladies.????.