At the moment life is similar to travelling in the car with young children……“When will we get there? How much longer? “.
Ok, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, Dan’s door has opened a crack. We are all really waiting for this Friday, that day can’t come fast enough.
It really is hard to stay positive, it is hard to fill in our days differently, as every day feels the “same old , same old.” One good thing is that all members can book in for an hours practice, then go at their allocated time to loosen up their muscles, get back in shape, and remember their skills. Several hour sessions have been fully booked.
Peter Hanson asked at last weeks zoom hour if we wanted another….hopefully the last!, on this coming Friday. Several people said “Yes.” These weekly get togethers have been so enjoyable, a bonus for many , and a place to find out just what’s been happening both at the club and with friends and acquaintances. A big 👏THANKS 👏to Pete for organising and hosting for the last ten weeks.
Please note that the rinks to practice on coincide with odd and even calendar days, eg: Monday 18th, or Wednesday 20th please play on 2,4,6,8 etc. On Tuesday 19th it would be rinks 3,5,7 etc.
Tim has been diligently checking the grass growth on the back green and giving the evil eye to the fungus on the front. Prince Charles used to talk to his plants Tim.