FIRST PICK-A-BOX FOR SEASON 2016-7 – Doncaster Bowling Club


PICK-BOX-NIGHT is now a tradition for our club. Dinner is served first, then Brian Morris starts on his jokes which are interspersed with pick-a-box and prizes. (Or is it the other way around?)

Both members and friends won dinner vouchers from Applewood Retirement Village and Pacinos Resturant, hampers from Angoves, handmade jewellery, baskets of skin products, and marinated chickens. The first envelope opened was the returnable brick–lucky Geoff Bandy!

There was lots of laughter at Brian’s jokes, for example;

HOW TO TELL THE SEX OF A FLY…..A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter. ” What are you doing?” she asked. “Hunting flies” he responded. ” Oh! killing any?” she asked. ” Yep, 3 males and 2 females,” he replied. Intrigued, she asked, “How can you tell them apart?” He responded “3 WERE ON A BEER CAN AND 2 WERE ON THE PHONE!!!”

Information night followed with Geoff Bandy outlining the hopes and expectations for the pennant season. Richard Lovell gave tips that players could think about whilst playing each game, Gerda van der Peet stated the changes in the club championships, Ash Rowe spoke about the club tournaments and Bob Byron encouraged members to take an umpires or measures course.

What a night!

See other photos in Photo Gallery or Click Here

Lyn Goodman and Bob Urquhart who puts all the photos on.