

Trevor Dawson introduced Anthony Pittas who is a Partner with our sponsor Jellis Craig. Anthony came today as their representative, and to present the sealed envelopes to the winners.

First he gave a summation of the current housing market including the auction results for last weekend.

And the winners were……….

Keith Kirby’s team, two wins with most shots up in the second game.

John Nelson’s team, with two wins and the second most shots up in the second game.

And lastly, Matt Cursio’s team, losers in the first game , but winners in the second game with most shots up.

No team won the barrel roll for the lucky number so that prize spins over to next month.

During afternoon tea break two meat trays which were donated by Mauro Bros Butcher in Tunstall Square were won. Keith Kirby won the first, ( it really was a successful day for him,) and Brian Salvage won the second. Thanks to Otto for organising the meat trays.

Lyn Goodman.