It is wonderful how creative we can be when we discover “What to do when there is nothing to do.” Here are the first replies to my request. Please keep sending your photos. It does not have to be exercising or cooking….here’s your chance to be inventive, amusing, clever or imaginative. Or just plain useful around the house.
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When you have looked though these photos go to the NEWS section for the next article called OUR TRANSFORMED TIMES. There you will see more members and what they have been up to.
Gary and Claire Baird are walking their dogs.
Eileen McCormack is painting another masterpiece. Ten days later, she’s finished!!! WOW.
Irene Garrett has made quince jelly and tomato relish.
Marion Beckett is baking bread, clever lady.
Brian Garrett is maintaining one of his old cars.
Sandy McDonald and Eileen McCormack are exercising far apart.
Peter Goodman is beating Lyn at Scrabble.
Richard Lovell is testing one of Heather’s new hand knitted tea cosies.
Dinesh Balgovind and grandson Josh are painting the back gate.
Susan Ferres has finished a jigsaw
and so has Bev Benias.

Neil Mathys sent a joke.
And so did Bob Urquhart after he recieved his vitamin D.
Tak Shum is practicing his karaoke .
Philippa Clifton is baking pies and growing watermelons. David says she is very talented. Meanwhile Philippa is being entertained by David’s amazing music collection, she has not heard the same record twice.
Marg Wegner is out in the garden while Glen is painting pot plant holders for their daughter.
What are you like at Sports Trivia?
- What is the greatest comeback in AFL /VFL history?
- Who is the first Australian to have won gold at the winter Olympics?
- Name the Olympics at which Dawn Fraser won gold medals.
- Which Australian won 16 consecutive British Open Squash championships?
- Sir Ernest Edward “Weary” Dunlop, AC, CMG, OBE (12th July 1907 – 2nd July 1993) was an Australian surgeon who was renowned for his leadership skills as a POW of the Japanese during WWII. Prior to WWII while studying medicine at Melbourne University he participated in a sport in which he eventually represented Australia. What was this sport?
- Who was affectionately known as the Lithgow Flash?
- What is the anthem (song) of the Liverpool Football Club?
- In BOWLS, who holds the record for the most Indoor World Singles Championship?
- What did 12 year old Cassius Clay tell policeman Joe Martin when his new bike was stolen?
- What is the most number of Olympic medals won by any one Olympian during the course of their career?
Answers: Click Here
Just send me more photos and they will be added. They are now added under OUR TRANSFORMED TIMES.