A cool overcast day with occasional sunshine greeted about 30 bowlers who enjoyed a good afternoon of competitive bowls.
Special thanks to the organisers, Peter Demeris, Robert Bateup, Nicole Carriero and Phil Rock.
Today’s winners were Laurie Hogan, John Nelson and John Thorburn.
Runners-up were Brian Garrett, Joe Agius and Otto Cardamone.
Except for indoor social bowls which is still played each Saturday afternoon, the club now closes for August and reopens in early September. Enjoy your break.
Finally it should be noted that the two cleaning rosters are up on the front notice board and also on the website. You will find them under “ What’s New. “ One roster is for the Men’s Cleaning and the other for the Ladies Restroom Replenishing. Please check to see when you are on duty.
John Thorburn.