A steady stream of customers (and their pets) just kept coming, there was no letup especially at lunchtime.

Sunday September 22nd was Doncaster Bowling Club’s most successful sausage sizzle to date. With many more customers than previous times Trevor had to leave to buy extra sausages, which were also all sold. At the end of trading, 450 sausages and 50 drinks were all gone. As always thanks to Mauro Bros. Butcher in Tunstall Square for their sponsorship.
Henry Goralski and Trevor Dawson began the day at 7.30am and ended it at 5pm. In between times they are cooking, manning the cash register and supervising the other volunteers.
Otto Cardamone came by twice. The second time carrying a gift of his homemade vacuum packed sausage. Yes we tried it, yum! Thanks Otto.

A special thanks to all the volunteers who worked the 2 1/2 or 3 hour shifts to keep the buyers fed and happy. Henry the organiser, the buyer of bread, sauces etc, and the chopper upperer of onions, Trevor for collecting all the sausages, then the rotating teams; Neil Mathys, Graeme McNaught, Ian Sanderson, Robert Bateup, Fayette Goralski, Judy Seymour, Ian Golding, Lyn Goodman, David Jansz and Ray Rattray-Wood.

Because there is preparation and selling of food special health regulations must to be adhered to. Bunnings personal come down and check the BBQ equipment and the surrounds before selling begins and then return later in the day.

As one of our sponsors Bunnings donate $500 per annum worth of goods. Our gardeners and Greenkeeper can choose what they wish. So far the goods in kind have been two wheelbarrows, garden sprays, plants and seedlings. The seedlings are growing well in the Bob Grisold memorial garden.
Here are several more photos from a busy day.