Club Membership
If you would like more information about Doncaster Bowling Club and becoming a member
- Contact Club Secretary and Public Officer: Chris Scane 0417 593 573
- Email: doncasterbowlingclub@gmail.com
- Alternatively download the Membership Application Form and postor email to us.
New members
For new members membership fees are discounted for the first year. They can enjoy all the facilities of the club and all the full membership rights.
Full membership
Full members can:
- Play Pennant and social bowls.
- Play indoor baised bowls during the winter season.
- Compete in club championship games, special events, club tournaments and sponsored events.
- Receive free coaching.
- Have access to the greens at designated times for practice.
- Join the board and participate on committees.
- Vote at general meetings.
Associate Membership
This is a non-pennant bowling membership.
Social membership
This is a non-bowling membership. Social members do not have voting rights.
Indoor biased bowls (IBB) membership
Indoor bowling only.
The Doncaster Bowling Club financial year is April 1st – March 31st.
New members who are new to lawn bowls fees (first year only): $75
New members transferring from another club $100
Annual full membership fee: $220
Junior Member Fee: $40
Life Members: Nil
Associate Membership: $60
Social (non bowling) membership: $30
Social Members IBB: $30
Enjoy bowls, new friendships and fun at the Doncaster Bowling Club |