The last opening night was in 2019. Little did we all know that Covid would strike and create havoc for the next two following years. But now we are together again and can celebrate an Opening Night. It was therefore a happy long awaited return.
Over 90 members, partners and friends arrived , bought raffle tickets and perhaps a drink, then found mates to sit with and to chatter to.
Rob Bateup ( our indomitable joke teller) was the MC for the night.
The Executive Chairman Ash Rowe opened the proceedings welcoming old and new members, first time attendees, those who played pennant and social bowls.
A two course dinner was served whilst everyone chatted away.
Then it was back to the speeches so that those present could be updated on progress within the club. Ash Rowe mentioned the Constitution and Peter Hanson’s work with students from the local Secondary Schools. (See previous articles)
He then presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Brian and Pauline Donovan for all the time, the organising and the effort they have both put into the Wednesday and Thursday night meals over many years. He also mentioned Brian’s work in the gardens surrounding the Club House and greens.( see previous article)
Marion Beckett accepted a posthumous Life Membership for her husband Garry. Garry was a tireless worker for all the years in which he was a member. ( see Garry’s Vale article)
Tim Fewster the Green Keeper, spoke about the progress on the greens and thanked Nicole Carriero , Robert Bateup and Tony Maruzzi for their running of the winter competition. He mentioned that there will be five weekend and three midweek Pennant sides this year, and lastly he encouraged everyone to have a go in the Club Championships.
Gerda van Der Peet gave a summary of the Indoor Bowls games and said that over the winter it had raised $1400.
The Tobin Bros. jackpot was drawn….the winner was not in attendance. Bad luck Mabel Cuce.
The four raffles were drawn and the winners went home very satisfied.
Thankyou the Bowls Committee who always run this evening, and those to whom they delegated the setting up, the catering and the speeches. All who attended seemed to depart quite happy.
I do thank John Thorburn for more than half of the photos.👍
…..Lyn Goodman.