THE BOB GRISOLD GREEN – Doncaster Bowling Club


It’s official! Mayor Jennifer Yang unveiled “The Bob Grisold Green” sign on Thursday, March 3, 2016.

Our back green is now THE BOB GRISOLD GREEN in honour of our club legend, who along with many of his family, were present at the club for this very special day.

Mayor of Manningham, Councillor Jennifer Yang, unveiled the sign for THE BOB GRISOLD GREEN.

It was great to see so many members participate on the day that also honours the super veterans and life members of the club.

Club Chairman, Bob Jones thanked everybody who helped make this day so special in so many ways. Mayor Yang and Deputy Mayor, Dot Haynes, were effusive in their praise and the Bob Grisold family were delighted and very appreciative of the honour bestowed upon their family member Bob Grisold.


From the Photo GalleryMayor Jennifer Yang unveiled “The Bob Grisold Green” sign on Thursday, March 3, 2016. Our back green is now THE BOB GRISOLD GREEN in honour of our club legend, who along with many of his family, were present at the club for this very special day. It was great to see so many members participate on the day that also honours the super veterans and life members of the club. Club Chairman, Bob Jones thanked everybody who helped make this day so special in so many ways. Mayor Yang and Deputy Mayor, Dot Haynes, were effusive in their praise and the Bob Grisold family were delighted and very appreciative of the honour bestowed upon their family member Bob Grisold.