Every year Gerda spends many winter hours compiling and coordinating the activities and dates for the annual diary. Yesterday they arrived, so Fran with the help of Pamela McLean and Robyn Johnson prepared them for collection……and now you can mark in all the various activities for the next two months.
Coming up first is the Henselite AFL Challenge on Friday 20 September.
Next a fun night at the Grand Final Eve Social on the following Friday September 27th.
Third, a movie morning and lunch at the Balwyn theatre to see Downton Abbey. This is on Monday 7th October.
Fourth, Posties Fashions will be showing their summer collection in the club rooms on Thursday October 10th.
Last but not least, there is a Try Bowls New Members Drive on Sunday October 13th.
Of course there’s is Pennant, Tournaments and practice to keep you all fit and healthy.