The January Wednesday Pairs Tournament.
Our new sponsor MG Doncaster, parked a brand new petrol driven model MG3 colour Brighton Blue down by Abbots gate. It was there all day for every player to see. This model is also available as a Hybrid.

At the finish of the afternoon, Sarah Fry who is their Marketing Manager, presented the winners with the envelopes. But before she did, she invited our members to call into the MG showroom on Doncaster Rd, to check out the display and to take a test drive.

First prize went to Fred Duthie and his partner Ray Rattray-Wood, both Doncaster players.

Not far behind in points and taking out second prize was Daryl Chidley ( Eltham) and Garry Schilg ( Montmorency.)

Third place went to a team from Donvale, Craig Gathergood and Bill Duggan.

After a string of hot days, Wednesday was cooler and the bowls were competitive. It was an enjoyable day.
Peter Horton, Lyn Goodman.