This Monday Triples was the second last for this season.
Because it was Anzac Day we observed the one minute of silence before starting play on a perfect autumn day.
Actually as weather was so nice many players decided to stay outside during the break and not come in for tea and coffee. ( or maybe that was because Lyn had forgotten to buy milk, and they had to drink it black. )
Here are the winners of the day.
Two game winners with most shots up…Brian Salvage’s ace team.
Second best two game winners…Ian Golding’s team.
First game losers with best second game…Matt Cursio’s sometimes ‘crack’ team.
This team was also the ‘lucky ducks’, winning the barrel draw…Lyn Goodman.
I will add more after the Wednesday pairs, which will be the very last of the Tournament games.
So here we go.
The Last Wednesday Pairs is an Applewood sponsored day. Helena from Applewood spoke about the convenience and happiness of living in a retirement complex, she also mentioned an upcoming lecture about the same.
Henry won the Applewood raffle.
Here are the winners with most ends won and shots up…I think that is how it works.
Two game winners. First prize.
Second prize winners.
First game losers, but second best game.
Thank you to the Tournament Committee for a job well done throughout the 2021-2022 season.
There were some very good heads. It is amazing how you can better the first bowl with just a bit of determination and concentration…..Lyn Goodman.