

The Doncaster Tournament Program has begun for season 2021-2022.

Today  the second Monday Triples was played which is organised by Peter Demeris. Someone commented , “This is better than being at home during lockdown.”

Ray White Manningham Estate Agents were the sponsors and their Representative Milan Kinda handed out the envelopes.

Prizes went to Ian Sanderson, Judy Seymour and Tony Smart ( Tony had to go back to work.)

Gary Baird’s team and Brian Garrett’s team both received the minor winnings, Unfortunately in both cases   their third team member also had to leave quickly.

A happy day was had by those who attended.

If you look under “Bowls  Program” you can read when the other Tournament Days are held. Members from other clubs are very welcome to make up their own team and join in. The contact numbers of the specific days organisers are on the website…..Lyn.