One of the real gentlemen of our club has died. Bill Cherrie passed away on Wednesday 19th September. He was 87.
Before Bill was a keen bowler he was a sailor and a pastry cook. He joined the Royal Australian Navy at 17 and fought in Korea.
He was kind, caring and generous. So generous of his time that often on Saturday Pennant much of the inside duty was done before the allocated duty rink arrived. He joined Doncaster Bowls Club in 1986. Over the following years he was a member of the Men’s Tournament Committee for five years and was on Men’s Selection at two different periods for a total of 13 years. He was a Measurer for 10 years, a coach for seven, (he coached Lou Anastassiou and John Phillips amongst others), and did bar duty for 20 years. He also played Indoor bowls and was on that Committee. He was a lead bowler and made it to Doncaster’s Saturday Seconds Pennant Team.
Doncaster players at the Edinburgh Shield, Bill is back row on the far right.
For many years he helped organise the Yarrawonga Easter Tournament and also the annual R.S.L. Edinburgh Shield Tournament. Once he was Runner Up in the Club Pairs and a winner of the President’s Handicap. I have been told that all his winnings went straight into a glass jar and were distributed to his grandchildren. Vale Bill, Doncaster will miss you…… Lyn Goodman and photos by Bob Urquhart.