Members at Doncaster Bowling Club are saddened to hear that John Davies has died. He was a long time member, joining in 1984.
He was a Selector from 1999-2012. Towards the latter years on this Committee he was a non playing selector watching the teams from the sidelines. He was also on the Tournament Committee between 2003-2012, and the Manager of the Tuesday night Pennant side in the 2007-2008 season. He received a Certificate of Appreciation in 2006.
Ian Golding says “ John was an accomplished bowler who enjoyed the cut and thrust of Pennant games as well as participating in the regular Monday and Wednesday tournaments. He was also a very keen “Demons” supporter who unfortunately was not able experience their demons taken care of with an emphatic victory. His wife Beth who was not a bowler herself, did often accompany John to many of the various functions of the day.”
Listening to his eulogies sporting pursuits played in big part in his life. He played cricket, football, golf and then bowls. Later still he learnt to sail on the bay becoming a Patrol Boat Skipper.
Right throughout his 89 years of life people remembered him for his kindness and caring personality. Always a perfect gentleman.
He hadn’t been an active member for several years but they who remember or who played with him can still watch the Tobin Bros. streaming service below. Please press on the link.