We all know how important it is for anyone to enjoy a happy social life especially as you grow older.
Physically, bowls is good for your strength, your mobility, and your coordination. ( amongst other things.) Then there is another side to bowls which is the friendship group that you can and should develop. Emotionally this is very necessary.
So with that in mind Doncaster Bowling Club Veterans and Life Members Day is an annual event when our older members are specifically invited to a luncheon, this year, organised by the Social Committee.
Fran Broadfoot writes,” We had 45 people attend of which 22 were Veterans and there were 23 others. Gerda organised a game of triples, 24 played in the morning. Fran Broadfoot chair of the Social Committee welcomed the Life Members and Veterans. Ash Rowe spoke about the contributions to the Club our Veterans have made over the many years. Brian Morris made a thankyou speech on behalf of the Veterans. Thanks to the Social Committee who prepared most of the food and to the members who brought along food to share. A very enjoyable day was had by all present.”
The Veterans love to catch up and reminisce. Days playing in Saturday and Tuesday’s Pennant, trips away to play bowls during winter holidays, tournaments against other clubs, Club dinner dances, Thursday night meals and Sunday smorgasbords, etc.
What could be better on a cold and miserable day to be inside talking and eating delicious home cooked food. The forty plus people who came obviously enjoyed themselves.
Photos supplied by Beth Reid.
Lyn Goodman.