On page 3 of this weeks Manningham Leader local newspaper Fran Broadfoot has had an article published. It explains that our 70th anniversary is coming up and that several celebratory events will be held.
So read the article and look at the photo of most of the club members, see if you can see yourself.
Also as part of the 70th anniversary, Darryl Bishop is giving a weekly Wednesday night history talk on Doncaster Bowls Club. The information is amazing. Where does he find it? Did you know that a bowls club in Doncaster was first mooted in 1902. It was scuttled again and again by WW1, the 1930’s depression and WW2. Eventually it came into existence in 1949. The first social function….organised by the Ladies, was a ball in the Athenaeum Hall ( remember that hall?)
One of our members attended the opening all those years ago, yes Beth Reid, she was just a little tot then. Beth is JJ Tully’s granddaughter.
Two of our sponsors attended last night, they are both from MannaCare. Ross Dawson who is the Chief Executive Office spoke about how their business can help as we age. The General Manager of Corporate Services Vanessa May also attended….Lyn.