XMAS DINNER DANCE 2017 – Doncaster Bowling Club
During the day the only sign of movement was one forlorn magpie sheltering near the sodden greens. At night the club was a hive of activity and fun. The tables were differently decorated and everyone had a bonbon to pull, which contained the paper hats to don and the usual silly Xmas joke to share.
We danced, laughed, ate, drank and listened to Marceau Camille’s repertoire of our favourite songs, including Sweet Caroline, Heartaches by the Number, Rock Around the Clock, In the Mood, and also the Chicken Dance, the Macarena, the YMCA, and Zorba. That’s when you could tell that we had not played bowls. Just look at the photos!
Santa and his two elves came again. Santa had a much wider belt this year, presumably to hold his trousers up better. Elfie 1 had bright green sox….his trademark, whilst Elfie 2 had mismatched shoes and sox! They distributed candy sticks and then took turns in drawing out the winners for the 11 beautiful Christmas hampers. Some lucky!? winners got to sit on Santas knee.
Winners were: 1. Elizabeth Zalkos, 2. Y. Shallard, 3. Joan Morris, 4. Peter Letos, 5. Bev Allibon, 6. Darryl Bishop, 7. John Young, 8. Peter Lachmund, 9. Roger Wright, 10. Peter Kok, 11. Jack Everall. The movie pass was won by Robert Bateup. Also there were 4 lucky dot prizes placed on the back of chairs and 2 bottles of wine.
It was another successful night organised by our Social Committee. So much thanks goes to them and their bar helpers, to those who decorated, and especially to the hamper ladies…..Lyn.