

Bowling With Babies  is a VicHealth funded initiative which was launched in 2017 , encouraged by Bowls Victoria and is coordinated through Manningham Council. Both Frankie Hocking, the Participation Coordinator at Bowls Vic, and Clare Hockey, the Recreation Participation Officer from the Manningham Council were at Doncaster today to help with our first indoor Bowling With Babies session.

These sessions run over the next five Tuesdays  from 10am-11.30am .

The program assists new parents to get out of the house, to be more active and to meet likeminded parents in a safe, comfortable and family friendly environment.

After the meet and greet, the Mums, and  yes! Dads and a Grandma settled in for a chat, a coffee and a social roll.

Each parent received a gift bag which contained a baby play mat along with other things.

The parents were encouraged to come  through the local Health Centre ( yes they are still there), and obviously they all enjoyed the time together and the new activity.

Thanks to Ash Rowe, Peter Hanson, Graham Ferres, Marg Parker, Lorraine Holstock and Gerda Van der Peet, also Frankie and Clare who    helped with the setting up, instructions and the running of the morning. We needed you all. It was a successful morning and I hope the new parents return…….Lyn.


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Tuesday June 29th.     Many of last weeks parents returned and some new ones joined in too. After their talkative catch up session they practiced their skills and we had a competition with prizes. . It was just a draw to the jack but there are some very competitive Mums. Here are the winners.


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