A.G.M. 2019-2020 VIA ZOOM.
Is this the new norm? Will it become the new norm?
Doncaster Bowls Club held its postponed AGM by a Zoom meeting this year.
Little by little we all logged in to our host Peter Hanson who said, ” Good morning”, marked off the attendees, and then muted most of the participants. By now many of us have learnt how to write a message or question and to give a hand signal.
It was estimated that over 50 people attended because there were 50 screens and several of these screens showed partners.
Peter Hanson recorded the proceedings.
Summaries of the year were given and explained, both for the Board of Management and for the Bowls Section. Various people were thanked for their contributions and hard work. Questions were then answered and……
the AGM was all over in an hour and a half….probably a record.