

Instigated by the Manningham Bowls Group a Family Fun Day was held on Sunday October 30th  at Greythorn Bowls Club. It attracted 476 people and was held in conjunction with National Grandparents Day. Of course bowling was one of the many activities offered.

Backed by the Manningham Council the Manningham Bowls Group represents the four clubs within our area, Doncaster, Donvale, Greythorn and Templestowe. Trevor Dawson is Doncaster’s representative.

(You can read more about this group on the Bowls Victoria web page. Please go into their “ News Archive” , it was published on October 18th and titled The Fantastic 4 of Manningham.)

Back row: Michael Meehan, Donvale, Eric Vergona, Templestowe, Trevor Dawson, Doncaster, Front row: Jacqui Turpie, Greythorn, James Bonthorne, Consultant.

We had several volunteers who went along led by Trevor Dawson. Caroline Whiltshire, Kay and Ian Golding, Neil English, Henry Goralski, Matt Cursio, and Phil Rock.

Here is Trevor’s summary.

Here also is a reminder of how good bowls is for our overall well-being.

Lyn Goodman.