On Thursday 7th Doncaster Bowling Club was host to the annual visit from the Barleycorners. It was a beautiful balmy night so the two hour game began in the daylight until the darker conditions necessitated that the rest of the game to be played under lights.

The John Barleycorners Bowls Club was established in 1936 after a social game between Carlton & United Breweries personnel on the Liquor Trades annual picnic day. Carlton & United sponsored the club until recent years when the ownership went overseas. There are three ex C.U.B. members; Geoff Bandy is the Treasurer, Peggy Lynch the Secretary, and Laurie Hogan is the President. They have managed to keep the social club operating in spite of Covid.

The Club does not have a clubhouse or a green, but it has its own grey team tee shirt . It also has a busy season of electric light bowls from November through to March.
The words JOHN BARLEYCORN means a humorous personification of any strong alcoholic liquor made from barley as per Websters New Twentieth Century dictionary. “Jolly John Barleycorn” has been used over the years for advertising purposes.

After the game the players came back inside for drinks and a pizza supper and of course prize giving.

Doncaster members Fayette, Ian and Phil were the best winning rink from Doncaster, seen below with Laurie doing the presentation. The best winning rink from John Barleycorners were: Carol Calder who plays for Greythorn B.C., Nicole Carriero from Rosanna B.C., Andrew Mackenzie from Mentone Edge B.C. and our own Laurie Hogan. So you see members come from all over Melbourne.

Thanks to Laurie Hogan, Kay Golding and Eileen McCormack for the information and photos.