

This week there were plenty of topics to talk about. We may have been sitting inside at home and waiting for the day we can return to the greens but outside our Melbourne houses there was much going on.

With no real or clear end in sight to this lockdown someone asked was there any decision made by Bowls Victoria as to dates for starting Pennant along with the requirements for  single vaccination and double doses. Dinesh said that this was being discussed right now by Bowls Vic….so keep your eyes open for an update.

Peter Hanson instigated a footy Grand Final scores tipping  competition. As soon as you appeared on screen you were asked, “Who do you think will win and by how much?” Pete recorded all the answers.  The prize was $50 if you had the exact winning team and their margin. But if you were just the closest it was $25. Now with Melbourne F.C. the runaway winners by 74 points 🏆❤️💙🏆 Chris Scane with 55 was the closest. Well estimated Chris. He gets the $25.

Then there was the one conversation and news item that bounced the pandemic to page 3 or 4 in the daily newspapers. Yes, the earthquake and the aftershocks. Several members gave their thoughts and experiences…where they were, what they thought it was , what fell off the shelves etc. That was a grateful distraction.

The civil unrest over the last days was mentioned., along with the underlying frustration and loneliness. There  is a small paragraph in Age newspaper (Saturday 25th September) quoted from a quiet demonstrator which mentions Freedom.

“It is the freedom to hug somebody. It is the freedom to talk over the phone to someone and if they are in a bad place you can go just go over and have a beer with them or a coffee. It is these little things and it sh*ts me that in Victoria, all these little acts of love have got this barrier in front of them. It is cutting away at the foundations.”

Several of our members are obviously feeling this way and say it out loud. Chris Scane (aka Joan) gave them a virtual hug. Our emotions are raw and on edge at the moment, so please ring a friend who is living alone, go out sit somewhere in the open and have a talk, that is one activity that is allowed. If you look at the faces on the screen 7 of the 14 live alone.

Chris Scane doing his virtual hug.

Viewing the Grand Final alone is hard and sad. Geoff said that he would be watching by himself, Tim emphatically declined the perceived invitation, then Gerda invited herself but said that she would have to stay the night. (because of the curfew.)  Well that caused so much laughter and mirth, it was just the best quip we have heard in a long time.

John and Kath

Kath White did invite John Phillips to watch the football seeing they both barack  for the Demons.

That’s all from me this week….Lyn.