CHRISTMAS MIRTH – Doncaster Bowling Club
Santa and his elves gave us some some hilarious moments. Santa (John Broadfoot) had trouble simultaneously holding onto both his trousers and his beard. They both kept falling down. His two elves ( Geoff Bandy and Garry Beckett) were naughty with their lei jokes much to everyone’s amusement.
All the preparations that Beth Reid, her Social Committee and other volunteers did, really paid off. They made over 100 leis and new table decorations, they decorated two Christmas trees as well as putting up stars, bells and tinsel garlands. Bob Jones came unasked and erected the stage and curtain.
Marceau Camille the hired entertainer was very versatile with his different instruments and songs. His repertoire included Satchmo, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Frank Ifield and Chuck Berry. On the violin he copied Andre Rieu and then played Bluegrass with “Jumbalya.”
The dance floor was crowded with people doing the Cha Cha, the Chicken Dance the YMCA song, and John Phillips led the Conga as usual.
Santa and his two naughty cheeky elves helped Beth draw the 13 raffle tickets for the hampers. The winners were; 1. Libby Redman, 2. Gerda Van der Peet, 3. Neville Bradshaw, 4. Gwen Code, 5. Rob Bromley, 6. Mabel Cuce, 7. John Young, 8. Don Wake, 9. June Crouch, 10. Peter Goodman, 11. Barry Hardman, 12. Nazir Gul, 13. Greg Hodson. They also gave away four lucky lei prizes, and NO!! number 47 did NOT win even though he tried very hard to influence the elves.
The night wound up with a slow dance of Elvis’s…”I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You.”
It was a relaxed laughter filled evening . I feel the Social Committee really excelled. You can see several headings of photos in the Photo Gallery…..Lyn.
CHRISTMAS MIRTH PREPARATION (continued) or click here
CHRISTMAS MIRTH (Continued) 1 or click here
CHRISTMAS MIRTH (Continued) 2 or click here