DAVID NORMAN WINS A MAZDA2 – Doncaster Bowling Club
December 14, 2017
It took three phone calls from champion swimmer Susie O’Neill before he would answer the phone. First he was snoozing, then for the second, he was at practice, but the lucky third time his wife Bettecke and Susie convinced him that it was not a sales call.
Swimart representatives explained that it was a national competition with 10,000 entries. David has decided that the car should replace the one that Bettecke drives. She chose the colour, which is called “aluminium silver.”
David says that he is treating himself to two Christmas presents because now he is also buying a Mazda CX-5 for himself. This one will be red. Both cars are from Ringwood Mazda, who is our sponsor for the fourth Wednesday pairs…..Lyn.
David Norman with his brand new Mazda2.
Alex Johnson, Chris Fizmaurice (from Swimart Head Office), David and Betteke all give the thumbs up for David’s lucky win.
David handing over the keys to her new car.
Betteke in her new car.
Off they go in their Mazda2.