Oh what a night it was! There was a roll up of over 100 members, their friends and family who were obviously so glad to catch up with each other this year.
Older members, newer members and their partners and those in between talked, ate , drank and danced the evening away.
Beth Reid and her social committee ladies must be commended on all the preparation, planning, organising and setting up to make this night a success. Then there were those serving in the bar, those on the door, those selling raffle tickets, Carolyn flitting in and out of the kitchen, the two men who used their initiative to clear the main course and those who helped clean up at the finish of the night .THANK YOU for being willing helpers.
The decor was lovely,
The chatting in the lounge area noisy and animated,
The Xmas clothes appropriate…and obviously several men shop at the same store.
The food quite yum,
The music and dancing very enjoyable,
And the extra home spun entertainment, well……it got laughs.
The beautiful hampers ( thanks Pauline and Leonie for assembling them every year ) were won by:
1st: John Phillips. 2nd: Elizabeth Zalkos, 3rd: June Crouch, 4th: Dennis ?, 5 th: Graeme Warren, 6th: Robyn Johnson, 7th: Anna Pouki, 8th: Peter Demeris.
Here are John Thorburn’s
Tricia O’Connor’s and Beth Reid’s photos,
Brian Garrett’s too…….How wonderful that four different people have sent photos to me…….see it is not hard to do.
and my photos. I think we managed to photograph all who attended, and much of the entertainment….Lyn Goodman.