
Every day is a busy day.

At the moment there is something happening on each day.

Saturday it was the firsts Sectional final at Alphington whilst back at the club another Club’s final was being played out.

Sunday saw the Menzies section of the Liberal Party use the club room for their AGM .

Monday afternoon was the first Monday tournament.

Tuesday on the front green was a Midweek Division 2 Sectional Grandfinal between Mooroolbark 1: and Greensborough 1.

Then on the back green Peter Hanson and his helpers were again taking the Secondary school pupils through their paces, with another two sessions of coaching. Over the last three weeks over 200 pupils each have had two sets of lessons.

Whilst inside in the kitchen members of the Chinese Seniors cookery club has recommenced with a baking class.

All of these activities need helpers and organisers, whether it be supervision, moving tables and chairs around , umpires, or serving behind the bar..

So a big thanks to all those working behind the scenes.👏👏👏👏