UPDATE…….because these practice sessions have proved so popular Mondays have now been included. From Monday 3rd August you can put your name down for an hours session. Bookings are open now.
Some wag suggested that we write our name on the mask for easy identification. Often it is difficult to tell who it is behind the new fashion statement. See if you can identify these members.
The same as last Wednesday, all sessions were fully booked, and John Thorburn reported that is was pleasant playing in the sunny weather even though he found the masks very suffocating. I too found that my glasses fogged up and unfortunately my photo taking ability suffered. Sorry to those players whose photos were not clear enough to publish.
Four members of the Bowls Committee are on a rotating roster to supervise that all rules are followed. Tak Shum heads this team of Ash Rowe, Dianne Phelan and John Thorburn. Thank you all for the time spent outside, often in the cold.
Today I practiced on the notorious rink 1, oh what an improvement! The greens are again approaching the “best greens in Melbourne ” slogan.