Kath had planned a wonderful Sunday afternoon at the club to celebrate a special 90th Birthday milestone. She had invited 100 family and bowling friends. But with Covid restrictions it was not to be.
Then during the following week, birthday cards arrived, flowers and balloons were delivered, many phone calls were taken and several presents appeared. Kath said it was like having a birthday every day.

Kath with her son’s flowers.
She has had a very interesting life growing up in Boronia, attending Upway High School, running her own ‘up market’ clothing shops, and later farming and working in NSW, all whilst bringing up a family.
There is a previous article about Kath which gives more detail, you can follow this link. Doncaster version of Q & A.
Kath joined Doncaster BC in the season of 1978-9, 42 years ago. She must be the longest serving lady member . Two of her brothers Alan and Malcom were also members at one stage.
Kath and Alan on the back left, Malcom centre front
She really has been a stalwart of the club helping out in so many ways. She was the kitchen providor for 9 years, she was on the Ladies Committee, she was the co-ordinator and a worker for Thursday night meals over 9 years, she was a Ladies Tuesday selector and on the Social Committee, she was a coach for 10 years, as well as being on bar duty for 12 years. She was on the Indoor Bowls Committee on and off for 14 years and a Selector for 6.
Kath centre front
Back to Thursday night meals, Kay Golding remembers Kath’s speciality of curried sausages and rice. They had to be pre ordered and were extremely popular with the men.
Kath has a very positive outlook on life, she calls a ‘spade a spade’ , she is always up for a laugh and when the club is opened up again she will be back every Saturday afternoon for a social game of Indoor Bowls.