Sixty members, partners and friends came to enjoy a Melbourne Cup Eve fun night which was well organised by the Social Committee.
Everyone was offered a glass of bubbly on arrival. The meal was a lovely two course chicken dinner with dessert to follow, which the ladies had prepared.
There was a lucky door prize drawn from our own big silver cup. John Nelson won this Bunnings voucher.
There were many tickets sold for Brian Garrett’s phantom race call. This necessitated two sweeps, therefore six place getters. The two firsts went to Leonie Kirby and Gerda van der Peet ($70) , seconds went to Trevor Dawson and John Phillips ($30), and thirds were won by Ken Griska and John McPhee ($10).
The dapper men and the elegant ladies now lined up for the ‘Hats on Parade’ judging. The two most popular, voted by loud cheers, were Kevin O’Brien and the innovative and clever Mignon Hogan. They each received a Bunnings voucher.

Mignon, Terri and Kevin
The hobby horse race was very very hotly contested. Men will be boys! , they are so competitive!. There were protests from jockey Thorburn who said,” Did you not see the interference at the turn?, You judges have no idea!” and there was a fall in the second race starting with a pulled hamstring which caused a broken nose and a badly split lip. We do wish Brian Donovan the best. 💙💙🙁. A Zimmer frame race next year could be a solution.
(Update on Brian…he was discharged on Friday , and now is back home in the happy arms of his family.) Just love the balloon.
Each table filled in their horsey quiz , John Thorburn’s table won this with a perfect score and received chocolates.
The real Melbourne Cup sweeps were sold; again two sweeps . With an update today after the race the winners this time were;
1. Joy Salvage and Beth Reid who drew Gold Trip.🥇🥇
2. Then Gerda van Der Peet and John Coles with Emissary,🥈🥈
3. and third placed horse was High Emocean and that was drawn by Ian Golding and Geoff Bandy.🥉🥉
Same monetary value as before.’ The prize money will be presented during Saturday Pennant Bowls.
I reiterate ….many hands make light work so thanks to, Fran, Beth, Sandy, Irene, Anna, Gerda, Barbara and Lorraine ( social committee) , Matt and Geoff in the bar, Ian Golding on the eftpos machine, and Fran’s Grand daughter Annabel and her friend Eva who worked in the kitchen. Also John Thorburn and Kay Golding and Brian Garrett for extra photos.
Lyn Goodman.