On Friday November 30th Doncaster hosted 35 teachers from Mitcham Primary School for their Christmas Party.
They arrived at 6pm for drinks and nibbles before playing Barefoot Bowls from 6.30pm to 7.45pm. Some staff members showed a natural ability while others just enjoyed themselves. One of the staff members will be joining the club.
Hot finger food was served at 8pm, which included cocktail spring rollls, samosas, chicken nuggets, risotto balls, grilled meat balls, mini dim sims, sandwiches and dips.
Special thanks to the kitchen staff : Fran Broadfoot, Barb Benson, Beth Reid, and Eileen McCormack. The Barefoot Bowls helpers : Brian Donovan, John Thorburn, John Nelson, Tak Shum, Matt Cursio, and of course the barman Geoff Bandy.
The school staff was organised by Netanel Koles who is Kevin and Dawn Coombs (indoor bowlers) son-in-law. Brian Donovan was talking to the school Principal Erin when she saw his name tag. She asked if he had a daughter called Danielle as she went to school with a girl of that name. Then they realised that she had also been at school with Belinda Broadfoot.
It was a great night for the school staff and for our Club members. (We had to turn off the lights at 10.30pm so that the stragglers would go home)………Brian Donovan. Photos from Peter Letos.