NORTHERN MIGRATION – Doncaster Bowling Club
This year the Garretts, the Hogans and the Goodmans went to Coffs Harbour. Whilst there they met John Seward and his wife Liz who were passsing through. The Sewards were both on the gardening committee, John still is, and he plays in the Monday Triples. Liz used to play VLBA on Tuesdays.
Another group went to the Gold Coast area. They were the Becketts, the Kirbys, and the Salvages. They joined up for games at Broadbeach. ( See top photo )
Those playing in Coffs Harbour and nearby Sawtell both won and lost games. Sometimes they played together and at other times either with the locals or other visitors. They all played in the annual grudge match….the visitors against the locals. The locals are yet to win.
The Coffs Harbour mob walked, went sight seeing, went to the movies and markets, where Irene bought up big for the trading table. One night they all attended an Elvis and Roy Orbison show. They also went out for breakfasts. Lyn saw whales, Irene and Brian saw a big turtle from the end of the pier, and Laurie went fishing. They nearly always met for happy hour and sometimes ate dinner together.
Several people from other clubs asked after Gerda and Rien van der Peet, and Jim and Lorraine Hampton. Park Beach Caravan Park and Park Beach Bowling Club in Coffs Harbour seem to be just like a big bowling family….Lyn Goodman.
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