An A.G.M. can be sometimes boring, sometimes controversial, but ours went smoothly and fast. Sixty members attended both the reports for the DBC Inc. and the Bowls Committee. It is pleasing to note that we have several new and newish members who have joined various committees. Thankyou to Tricia O’Connor, Tak Shum, Ed Porad, and John Phillips, we wish you well.
A special announcement was made by Peter Letos that there is a new Life Member, Brian Morris. Congratulations Brian, it is a well deserved honour.
Before the A.G.M. began there was a sale of bowls clothes. Trisha O’Connor organised Luke who has an online shop( Applied Health) to set up an array of stock. A good dozen people bought different items and the club made a 17 percentage profit from this. If you need bowls clothes and or accessories call Luke on 0412 543566, mention that you are from Doncaster and we will still recieve the 17%.
The next Social fundraiser will be for the ladies. Clothes, bubbly and lunch on Friday May 24th
Of course winter bowls is on, both indoor and outdoors , and don’t forget the fabulous, very popular Italian night is to be held at the end of May. Lists are up, put your name down…..Lyn.