PRESENTATION NIGHT 2015-6 – Doncaster Bowling Club
This year Matt Cursio “scooped the pool”. He received four prizes along with a Super Veteran’s badge plus accepting a sectional flag. Debbie Code received two prizes and an “8” badge after only bowling for three years, whilst Gerda van der Peet received three prizes.
Beginning the presentations were the Super Veteran’s badges. They were awarded to Derek Aplin, Matt Cursio, Peter Gathergood, Maurice Foster, Joan Gartrell, Eileen McCormack, and Val Morris. Each of these members had a summary of their club participation and achievements read out. Val Morris’s was amazing. She has had 12 different achievements, including either being in the winning or the runner-up triples team nine times between the years 2001-13.
Next, awards were given to the three rinks that had won an “8” during pennant. These were: Saturday Open Side 1- Richard Lovell, Ken Morris, Keith Kirby, Lyn Goodman. Tuesday Open Side 1- Richard Lovell, Dianne Phelan, Debbie Code, Lou Anastassiou, and Tuesday Women’s Only Side 1- Lorraine Holstock, Lorraine Bradshaw, Jill Ford, Marion Becket.
Then the skips of the teams that had become section winners accepted their pennant flags. Midweek Open Division 2 – Richard Lovell, Brian Donovan, Garry Baird. Midweek Open Division 4 – Matt Cursio, Bob Urquhart, Keith Kilner. Saturday Triples Division 8 – Phil Rock, Kevin Mason.
Sandy McDonald and Fran Broadfoot presented all the Women’s events, and Dinesh Balgovind and Bob Byron distributed the Men’s events. For a full list of winners names please go to the Photo Gallery section. Debbie gave a heartfelt acceptance speech especially thanking her Mum for watching every match. When giving Matt his trophy Dinesh summarised his thoughts on what makes a champion.
Lastly a certificate of appreciation and a gift were given to Nola and Brian Moore who have diligently and reliably worked in the kitchen for 29 years……Lyn Goodman
More photos in the attachment below and in the Photo Gallery.
Attachment: Presentation Night 2015-16 Photos