Between the exit and your parked car, there is nothing as mouth watering and tempting as the smell of fried onions wafting outside a Bunnings store to make you stop to buy the hot sausage covered with onion, along with a squirt of tomato sauce all folded into a slice of white bread. Most shoppers succumb. The sausage sizzle is always cooked for a good cause. It is a money raising venture for the local school, sports or community club..
Thanks to the organisational skills of Henry Goralski a roster was drawn up when it was Doncaster’s turn last Sunday.
Here is Henry’s summation of the day.
And here is John’s take on the day.
So you see in life not everything goes to plan.
Trevor Dawson has since found out that it was the popcorn machine for the kids that made the heat which then triggered the alarm. It was operating under a duct.😲😲
A special thanks to those who worked on Sunday and to Mauro Butchers in Tunstall Square shopping centre in East Doncaster.