It has been a full Thursday through to Monday with volunteers and players attending four different activities both at the Club and around Manningham.
First, on Thursday April 18th and Friday April 19th, 12 members who had bowled in the Edinburgh Shield the weekend before, volunteered to be part of a roster to man the stall at a local shopping centre selling pens and collectible badges for the annual ANZAC appeal. ( photos from Ian Golding.)

Sunday was another 8.30am to 4.30pm full day at Bunnings, for our eighth fund raising sausage sizzle. ( Bunnings is also an Doncaster B.C. sponsor.) Again the volunteers were divided into two or three hour shifts. Selling was steady throughout the day and all the sausages were sold. Many of the sausages were purchased at a discount from one of our sponsors Mauro Bros in Tunstall Square. (Photos from John Thorburn.)

Next, the Sunday afternoon saw eight chosen members play in the annual Mayoral Shield Challenge between Greythorn BC, Donvale BC, Templestowe BC and Doncaster BC. This year it was hosted at Templestowe Bowls Club. Those players chosen were members who had spent time throughout the year working on Committees or who had been involved in extra activities around the Club. Manningham Mayor Carli Lange presented the shield to Templestowe who won for the second year running. Doncaster came second. ( Photos from Irene Garrett.)

Lastly Monday afternoon April 22nd. was the final game of the monthly Monday tournament days for this season which is sponsored by Jellis Craig. (Photos by Trevor Dawson and Lyn Goodman.)

Lyn Goodman.