January 31st.
A very noisy but successful Wednesday evening meal was attended last night with several sponsors and new and newish members as our guests.
One of our sponsors Angoves Wine set the evening in swing with their free wine tasting. Darius Cheeseman, the representative, encouraged us the taste two new wines within the range. Of course we tasted and ordered.
The other sponsor was the Bendigo Bank who has been with the club since 2004 and has helped us with almost $49,000 to use for improvements. Their spokesman Paul Thompson, did his summary and then gave a question and answer test to see who had been listening, Gerda won that prize, a lovely big umbrella.
Dot Haines from Manningham Council came also, and encouraged us to come to a special garden party to be held in Schramms Cottage gardens organised by the Historical Society.
New members are always given a free Wednesday night meal as an introduction and to have the opportunity to meet others and to try and put names to faces. I took several photos last night so we can get to know these new members. They will be displayed in the entrance with names attached.
The change to Wednesday night is working very well, over 100 people enjoyed themselves, as did the cockatoos doing acrobatics outside on the telephone wires. Brian Donovan tells me that we have had 332 people attending in the last three weeks. The kitchen runs smoothly with the extra “washerers up” and the flathead tails are proving most popular……..Lyn Goodman.