Jack Everall has lent me his wonderful scrapbook that was compiled by his Mother and which is full of newspaper clippings and photos of the 1984-5 and 1986-7 “White Flag Finals.” I want to share some of the stories. Along with many new members, and older ones, I did not know the background to the great result . So here goes…. Photos: Top , Celebrations, Jack Everall is on the far right. Centre, Bob Grisold. Lower, Jack Everall, Arthur Ram.
I spoke to both Jack Everall and Arthur Ram to hear their recollections. Yes, this all happened a generation ago, but they are two of the three men who are still members of Doncaster, (all in their early 90’s ), who played in the chosen teams in this pinnacle of the club’s history. The other man is Bob Grisold after whom the back green is named.
1984-5 Final…….In those days, play was for 25 ends not 21, therefore 100 ends not 84 like today. It rained, and halfway through, the match was called off , to continue the next Saturday . Doncaster was leading against Melbourne 49 to 40. But, there was a dilemma! One of Doncaster’s players was due to start work in the Northern Territory on the Monday. So it was decided that each player would donate $25 to fly him back for the following week. Arthur Ram who was an emergency put in his $25. What a good sport!!
Doncaster went on to win even though three rinks were down, by……..5 shots, 3 shots and 1 shot. But the rink in which Jack Everall was lead, was up by 27. The opposition conceded with two ends to go, so Doncaster eventually won the Division 1 white flag by 18 shots.
1986-7 Final……Now Arthur Ram was part of the team. He said, “It was difficult and stressful.” Jack and Arthur were in the same rink, Bob Grisold was a third in another rink. Doncaster had only just won the semi- final by two shots. This was thanks to the steadiness of Jack and Arthur’s skip, Bob Cole. the rink was trailing 10 shots with 7 ends to play. All the other rinks had finished so the opposition hopefully thought that they had it ‘in the bag.’ Scores drew level on the last end, and ……on the very last bowl the skipper Bob Cole trailed the jack for 2, to win the game. Whew, this got Doncaster into the final.
The following week Doncaster trounced Burwood. Four rinks up, scores 114 to 71.
Thus winning their second white flag. A mighty effort over three seasons.
Jack’s wife Betty would say, “You must have played a good game.” “Why?” said Jack. “Because there are green stains on your trousers.” See the photo below of Jack’s delivery.
Arthur talks about marvellous Mel Reilly (an opponent) who got his comeuppance, and Jean Ram says the hero was Doug Papworth because he drove and killed ends.
These two men loved reminiscing, I’m glad I listened………Lyn.
From the Photo Gallery