This year three teams were entered in pennant, two in the Tuesday night competition and one in the Wednesday afternoon. So for the night teams Doncaster first team ended up fifth allowing them to play in the 2nd division finals whilst second Doncaster team came 11th. The Wednesday afternoon team came 4th on their ladder.

Wednesday Pennant team, both Bob Byron (insert) and Kevin Coombs shared skipping duties.
Now the weird finals news: The Wednesday afternoon team lost the semifinal by two shots, a close match by all accounts. The Tuesday night semifinal was a win 39/7. Sometimes it all comes together and the team can do no wrong. We waited in anticipation to see who our opponents were for the final but were dumb struck four days out by the news of a walkover!! So the first Doncaster team were the 2nd division champions without even playing??. To me, a letdown and a disappointment .
The club singles have been played with Kevin Coombs the Men’s Champion and Tony Cuce the runner up. Scores 16/9
For the Ladies it was between Gerda van der Peet and Lyn Goodman. The match was tied after the requisite 16 ends at 13 shots each. So onto one more end and Gerda was the victor 15/13. Well done Gerda.??.Gerda is the Champ.
So the Doncaster’s IBB Champions this year are Gerda ??and Kevin.??
Social bowls was played every Saturday and on average 16 players kept warm inside.
In the ESSIBA Group Events Kevin and Dawn Coombs easily won the Group Mixed Pairs Championship….They went on to play in the Victorian State Titles and were just pipped at the post by the winners….a terrific effort……….Lyn.