Sunday January 7th 2018 .
Thankfully the weather was just perfect following the blistering heat of the previous day.
The full Ballarat bus arrived around 11am and immediately cups of tea and coffee, or glasses of beer were enjoyed and lunch was eaten. Mixed composite teams of 4’s from both clubs were chosen, rules for the day explained, and play began at 12.30pm. There was a break for afternoon tea which included a four prize special effort, and then it was out onto the greens again for the second set of 13 ends.
At the end of play, Tournament Chairman Ash Rowe announced the eventual winners, who were Pamela McLean’s team for first game loser but second game best winner, Bob Whitcher’s team were the runners up, and Bill Allibon’s ( Doncaster) team of Marlene Davis and Shirley Crichton (Victoria BC players) and Barb Benson (Doncaster) who were the overall winners.
A delicious dinner was served consisting of cold salads and trifle, (..thanks to Fran Broadfoot’s hard working ladies). To almost end the day, there were a couple of speeches made by both clubs Bowls Committee Presidents, Dinesh Balgovind and Robert Chapman, along with an exchange of gifts. This year club polishing cloths obviously are the ‘in thing.’
Mention was made about encouraging teams to attend each other’s clubs for their Carnival/ Classic/ Gold Nugget Days. Victoria BC in early March, Doncaster’s in mid April.
Reluctantly people began to wander outside as it was time to aboard the bus and say goodbye till next year A wonderful day of bowls and friendship enjoyed by all.
Lyn Goodman.
The day in pictures:
Before play
Choosing and announcing teams
During play
New friends
Fran and her helpers
A goodly crowd
Winners are grinners
Appreciation speeches
Saying goodbye til next year
More photos in photo gallery, so click here