VOLUNTEERS…….THE GARDENERS – Doncaster Bowling Club
We should not forget the value of volunteers within our club. The Gardeners are a diligent group we never see working, because usually we are still in bed.
Every Friday they are at the club by 7.30am —mowing, raking, sweeping, trimming, weeding or planting, so that the greens and surrounds look pristine for Saturday Pennant. Also in-between times in conjunction with the Greens Committee they are watering or moving hoses, and sometimes fertilising or spraying. This could be any day or evening of the week, especially in summer.
Over the years people have come and gone from this group, but there is always a core of seven or eight men, who, as you see, enjoy their coffee and natter at 9am. The first person I ever heard about at the club was Howard Bird, who was still the chief maintainer of the motor mowers at age 93. A little bird also told me that a new member, Maurice Ryan, has been seen weeding for a couple of hours unasked. That’s a great attitude!
We have lovely azaleas, camellias, roses, rosemary and daisy bushes , daffodils, dahlias and lavender, and always primroses in the winter and petunias in the summer. Such a colourful display. Thank you Gardeners.
Lyn Goodman, and Bob Urquhart who puts all the photos on the web site.
See Photo Gallery for more photos of Gardeners. or Click Here